These are super easy post-it note holders you can make from coasters from your local resaurant, as I did. I spoke to the manager and asked if I could have a few extra, she pressed for a number so i asked "Is 25 too many?" She checked her stock, came back with a stack of 75 and told me she had about 5,000 more in the back room! So- bonus! I covered the coaster with designer paper on both sides, and then you can just add your post it note pad. You can dress it up with a decorated clip, buy these at a business supply store (Staples, or Office Max in the US) and cover them with paper, and add a little bit of ribbon. If you'd like to add a ribbon loop pen holder, just glue the loop in place before you add the designer paper to the coaster. The little pens are from Staples. You can add magnets to the back if you want to go on the fridge, or leave them plain for use in teh car or your purse. The jumbo clip in the back left of the picture my friend Laura made for a swap when went to the Stampin' Up convention in Salt Lake City last summer. These can hold a photo on your desktop, or a recipe in your kitchen. Cute teacher gifts! I hope you've enjoyed todays ideas...check back each day for more posts. I have a list of 15 I intend to share, some will be quick projects, some will take a little longer. Enjoy the season, and remember who we celebrate! Merry CHRISTmas!
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